Thursday, July 5, 2007

Liars hate Light

Recently I came to the realization that honesty is a dying thing. I believe it is a sad day when people choose to be dishonest because it will result in fewer troubles. This is the syndrome of the path of least resistance at all costs. As Christians we should guard ourselves against the washed out integrity that many support. It manifests itself in several ways, such as being blatantly dishonest but justifying it by more "noble" means, etc. What a pathetic and weak excuse for Christianity. Please don't associate or take advice from those who promote this kind of life. At times their influence reaches way beyond their true character. Jesus called Satan the "father of lies." It is no surprise then to realize that those who would continue to engage in dishonesty are Satan's greatest allies. I would say we need a return to brutal and real honesty. This doesn't mean throw away tact (I don't have any to throw away). Rather be honest with yourself, with God and with others. We can only draw closer to the Father when we get stuff into the Light. Liars hate the light, and Satan is the great liar. Jesus is the light. So be honest and stop running from those things that need to be dealt with. Liars hate the light.
I am sure the above seems random but in light of some things going on around me I thought I would just vent.



Welcome to the blogging world big boy. Looking forward to you sharing some great thoughts, insights and discussions with us.



Anonymous said...

Great comments, just this week we had an oppertunity to get a really big account, and was advised to just tell a "litte white lie" to get it. We did'nt do it, told the straight truth, left nothing out, lost the account, but we felt we left with our integerty, and God smiling at us. Thanks for the comments, it helped me know that we did the right thing:

Matt H.

Eben said...
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Eben said...

I believe that you will be blessed for your decision. I am not suprised that you would stand your ground. We are in desperate need of people who will tell the truth even when not easy to do. It will be cool to see how God blesses you.