Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Hole in One

A friend of mine from Grad school came out last week and stayed the night with Jennifer and I. We went and played golf at the Tulia course and my friend Travis hit a hole in one on number 7. To those of you who don't play golf you can still appreciate the fact that this is very rare, according to my calculations...let's see g=h2+c=7+3=157 yards= well it is very hard. Travis played golf when he was a kid and you could tell because he had a natural swing. The muscle memory just came back to him, it was like he never quit playing. I believe that the past trains us for the hard stuff ahead. I have been reading 1Timothy again lately and this verse stuck out "Have nothing to do with godless myths and old wives tales rather; train yourself to be godly." 1Timothy 4:7. I believe that Timothy was a young, insecure and fearful minister that approached his ministry with fear, I could explain why later. Paul cut through the nonsense and told him to exercise discipline to become more godly to face whatever was in His future. Travis' previous training prepared him for the shot ahead.

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