Monday, August 27, 2007


Today is the beginning of a schedule, and I like that. Jennifer has gone back to school to do her MS in Math. She will teach a few undergrad classes and take nine hours. She should be done in two years. I am so proud of her and I know that in the long run this will prove beneficial. I am ready to have kids but when we look at our long term goals that may not be the best thing right now, and that is fine. At least she is still young. I mention this to say that I am glad to be back on some kind of a schedule. It doesn't effect me as much as Jennifer but it will be nice to have predictability in our home. She is better suited for the environment she is in now. I love routine, but I hate routine without a reason. At least this gives us something to look forward to. I don't have to much to say today. Those of you in Tulia please continue to pray for Central in two lights. One, that we find a youth minister. Two, that many people who have been encouraged would return. Pray that the Lord would do whatever necessary to encourage them to Him.

1 comment:

Matt H. said...

I too like a routine. We are trying to get back into one since school started. Kyla will be playing Jr high sports this year so its going to be crazy.