Monday, August 13, 2007

Patternism kills faith.

Patternism is defined as an attempt to reach a goal by following a certain pattern, like a map or an art template. If you follow the right route you will get to the right place. Faith can not be approached as if we are cutting out stick figures or driving to Dallas. Patternism promotes that when certain steps are followed a certain result will certainly take place. Usually it is manifested in the five steps to salvation or the four essential elements of worship. Though these lists are never listed in our order we may believe we have "rightly divided" the word to arrive at them. The problem I have with this is that the true worship and focus is on self and what you have done. It makes faith formulaic rather than living. Do we really want to be under a legal system in which all of the right rules must be followed. It never has worked before, and it will never work. Don't hear me saying something I am not but please hear me say that there is no simple step process that will bring a real and substantive relationship with the Father. Faith is experiential and relational not patternism. I hope this makes sense I felt like sharing what has come to my mind by preaching Galatians, I will post Sunday's sermon later.


Matthew said...

Not all patterns are wrong, just being too strict in a pattern. There is a pattern that we follow--Christ.

Eben said...

If the pattern is Christ that is certainly true. What happens times is that a pattern becomes a subsititute for Christianity. We may feel a sense of entitlment in the place that we are completely dependant upon the grace of Christ. Scripture makes it clear our salvation is dependant upon Him and at times our discussion about salvation almost seems to entitle us to an inheritance we can not earn.