Thursday, April 30, 2009

Random Information

I thought I would post some odds and ends.
1. I think exmark mowers are the best ever made. If you are thinking about getting a commercial mower buy an exmark, they are not cheap but they are the best. I also like Shindaiwa trimmers and Stihl everything else. I like the torque on the Shindaiwas but the stihl 4mix engine is hard to beat. I know that means nothing to most who read this.
2. Tonight we are meeting some friends at Buffalo Wild Wings. I think I will order the mango habanero, Caribbean jerk and a beer. Yes it is good.
3. Tomorrow I am helping my friend Kirk get his house packed up. They finally bought a house and Christy, his wife is pregnant. We have been telling them to buy even if they move in a few they will still not be throwing their money away. Lubbock is a great renters market.
4. I was looking at a list of things I want to do. I was wondering, 'what am I waiting for.' I have been very blessed to get to this point in my life why wont I just do it. I guess I like quiet routine too much.
5. I am a protagonist. Jennifer would laugh if she heard that and say, "you should say you are really a protagonist."
6. I love to teach, in fact I think I was made for it. I am not a minister anymore, in the traditional sense anyway, but nothing gets me going like teaching through scripture. Scripture was intended to be studied from front to back. I hate the proof texting that resulted from the reformation. Pick whichever text suits you without the context, makes me gag. I am really looking forward to teaching through the letters of Paul this summer at church.
7. I wish I lived closer to water. I love the South Plains but I grew up with a few ponds, a lake and river all within a bike ride from my house. I bet I drove 15 miles a day with a pole over the handlebars and a tackle box strapped under the seat. I don't get to fish much. It's my fault though I got invited last weekend by Kirk to go to Allen Henry and didn't go.
8. I miss some old friends. I am a loner but I like BBQ and hanging out.
9. I am considering taking a photography class. I want to do a coffee table book of abandoned W. Texas towns and need to have some good pictures. If you have been to my facebook/myspace you know I am not a great photographer.
10. I want to live on a house in the middle of four sections I own. 2 grass, 1 grain and 1 wheat or hay. I want to be far away from others and have a sustainable operation. Some day I think it will happen, not anytime soon.
I have to go eat hot wings.



I forgot that you get to drink beer now ... one of the perks hua? :)

Eben said...

Take two fishing.


Does it make the fish bite better? :)

Eben said...

No. It's a joke. You know why you take two cocs, baptist, whatever, fishing...if you take one they'll drink all your beer.

Anonymous said...

Score 1 for the lighthouse keeper


Oh ... okay ... I get it. I'm a little slow on some things you know.

Eben said...

Trey you may be slow on the ping pong table but other than that I don't know