Wednesday, April 16, 2008

The Pope Visits

The news has been 'buzzing' about the visit of the Pope to the United States. I was very glad to hear of his visit and after hearing him speak I am excited about being Catholic. It is wonderful to be part of a rich Christian history that can trace it's roots back to the first pope Peter. I am equally as excited about the journey toward confirmation. Through my quest for a more full Christian spiritual life I have realized that most of what I believed was based upon the prejudice and opinion of people. I whole heartedly believe that my brothers and sisters in churches other than the Catholic church seek God but I am thankful that we have been led to the Catholic church. The reformation of the 1500s created a Christian sub-culture in which all opinions were equally valid and authoritative. When I was a protestant I would read my Bible and interpret it through my own eyes and biases. Now as a member of the Lord's true church I am constrained to the pillar and foundation of the truth which is the church. Since the 1500s there have been hundreds of thousands of people who think they have definitively arrived at the true faith. Groups that began less that 300 years ago would arrive at the conclusion that they were the true church. The sole problem is that this truth has always been based upon the personal interpretation of scripture by these reformers. Would it not be better to trust people whose guardianship had been passed on from people who walked the earth with Christ. Not only that, but the true spirit that surrounds those who are faithful Catholics excites me. When I see the graciousness and virtue that flows from their lives I am humbled. I am eternally grateful to my background, and all who made it so rich, but I am at peace with where the Lord has led us. In light of the response to my conversion to this wonderful body it has been bittersweet. Bitter in the dishonest interpretation of events and intentions as well as the gossip that determined what most thought of our conversion. Sweet by the truth of what we now experience and by being a part of the church whose roots are as rich and deep as anything I could imagine. I would encourage you to study. Study your Bible. Study history. Most of all pray that our Lord would lead you to His church. I am convinced that if you do this you will come to appreciate the Catholic church for what is actually is and not what we have been, falsely, taught it is.
I haven't posted for a while because I was mad. I was mad about the things that were said about me. It made me mad that many people took as truth the words that came from gossip and out-right dishonesty. In truth it was disappointing, but the Lord has led me past this. It was the Church that gave me the peace and strength to do so.


Anonymous said...

Do you believe that when you prayed before that the Lord touch your heart and give you words to preach that this was in vain? Who is better to trust? in people? or the Lord speaking through the Holy Spirit? Stop it with the " Led us" stuff! Is your salvation collective? Your wife led you to be a Catholic. I believe, as do many others, that you bent to pressures at home. Why would you encourage people to study and then rail about a guardianship of the true church. I think Sunset needs to revoke your graduation papers and should have thrown you out when they threatened to. You are a "word of the moment" bitter person. Eben has never liked being told what to do and you will tire of this also. I know you won't put up this blog! You only put up people who agree with you and then take down differing ideas. The scriptures are sufficient one was the best. Where you shown the light by some of your Catholic friends that you couldn't believe this any longer and then decided to take it down?

Eben said...

I appreciate your honesty. You certainly didn't mix words. Your right there are many things that I have not posted. Many of them were anonymous posts. However I will post this.
I do believe I was led. But so do a great many others who pray and arrive a different conclusions. The Holy Spirit is always the one to trust. I also believe that the Holy Spirit uses others to help guide us.
I did not bend to pressures at home and no my salvation is not collective but I am thankful that we are both Catholic. As for the 'many others' that believe that I bent to pressures and left that is not true.
Your right about many things though. I have been bitter. I have had issues with authority. I admit and I appreciate your courage to say so. Again that is not why I converted.
I have received many posts like this one. It used to bother me, but not as much anymore. I will admit that any derogitory statement about my wife angers me.
We are at peace. This was long and hard decision to make. I made the decision. And now, more than a minute ago, I am so thankful I did.
I have stated why I converted.
Thanks for your post. You seem to be a person who speaks the truth.

Jennifer said...

As Eben's wife, I can tell you that he did not convert because of me. My conversion to the Churches of Christ was a true conversion. In fact, I have told my conversion story to many in Tulia. The truth is that I converted back to Catholicism with my husband, not before or after. It was only after and as a result of much study and prayer that we made the decision. Those who know me best know that my husband is the head of my household. Even though I am not the best at being a submissive wife, I do try. Those of you who know Eben know that pressures at home would never be the reason for making such a huge decision. While my thoughts and feelings do matter very much to Eben, we both know who has the final say in any situation...him.

Finally, I will share my feelings about derogatory anonymous comments that have been left on this blog. If you are too embarrassed to attach your name to your comments, then you probably shouldn't post it here. If you don't have a blogger account, you can always sign your name at the bottom of your post.

Love and Peace in Christ,

Anonymous said...

I would equate being anonymous on your blog to the manner in which you decided to tell this monumental change in your life to your church family. Stop howling about it!

thegaryfamily said...

Man! Captain Anonymous has some issues. I was checking to see what response you had for my questions and came across this. It's not funny, but I do have to admit that the "Sunset needs to revoke your graduation papers" is a classic"! I miss the times when you made fun of me after my senior sermon with your "here am I send me" malarky! Good times...Personal, I think Sunset should take back my papers ;)

Eben said...

Shawn Gary,
It is really no big deal. I get them all the time. I too remember joking around with you. You are a great preacher because you love God so much.
I looked for your question the other day and I couldn't find it. So..The format is about the same. We have two main parts. The Word and the Eucharist, or the Lord's supper. The first part, the Word, there are reading from scripture and songs which often time are taken directly from scripture. Sometimes there is a lesson after the readings. Then the Eucharist. Around the world the readings are the same each time. But yes at times there are cultural considerations. It would be hard to state differences in the Mass because I have been to a Mass in Latin America, at least if I did I wasn't paying attention.
Thanks for posting.

Eben said...

I had never thought about it that way. I really appreciate your insight and, honestly, your help in helping us understand these things. Though I don't know you I am grateful that there are many people who care about us enough to be honest.

Anonymous said...

One thing we all do know is that this "anonymous" one must be a modern day pharisee. I am sure anonymous is perfect and without fault. I guess my diploma should be revoked for all the "sins of misinterpretation" I have committed since 2000. My have we lost the concept of Jesus' very nature.....LOVE!!
Eben, you guys are in our prayers as you deal with such pharisaical garbage.

Trent (yes, it's me) for anyone who would like to respond.

Eben said...

I was shocked at your post dude. I really think that most of the response to my conversion hasn't been so much the fact that I converted but the way it seems it happened. Many of the people we know who were upset or shocked are good people who responded. Some of the posts I did not post were from people who I love dearly and hope are still friends. So it is ok. I do agree with everything you said though. I hope you and the family are doing well. We think of you all often.

Anonymous said...

Greetings, Eben!

I just want to touch base with you for the purpose of encouraging you.

I am a 1988 graduate of the Sunset School of Preaching who was received into the Catholic Church in 1995. My wife (a fifth generation member of the Stone-Campbell Churches of Christ) was received four years later in 1999.

If your experience was like mine, it can well be described as being "bitter - sweet." It is indeed sweet to have the fullness of Christianity as it is found only in the "one, holy, catholic, and apostolic Church," but the rejection, dismay, and even hostility of friends and former compadres can be a bitter pill to swallow. In those moments, draw near to our Lord in the Most Blessed Sacrament and allow Him to console you, brother.

I would love to chat either by telephone or e-mail, so please feel free to do so at any time.

Peace & prayers

Bruce Sullivan
(270) 428-4280

Anonymous said...


I would like to let you know about a very valuable resource person: Fr. Benjamin Luther.

Fr. Luther is a Catholic priest in KY who has a long family tradition in the C of C. He converted to the Catholic faith as very young man and has been a priest for more than thrity-five years. He is a first rate scholar and a very holy man.

I mention him to you because he has a great heart for reaching out to C of C folks and will send them books, tapes, etc. In fact, the Catholic library I now have was, in large part, given to me, by him, piece-meal through the mail.

If you are interested, I can give you his name and phone number.


Bruce Sullivan


Fr. Luther is, most likely, the only Catholic priest who is a life time member of the Disciples of Christ Historical Society. :-D

Anonymous said...


Great talking with you this past weekend! I hope we can do it again soon.

Your book is in the mail, so be looking for it in the next few days.

Is there an e-mail address at which I can reach you? That might be bit easier than using the blog.


Bruce Sullivan

Anonymous said...

Stop it with the " Led us" stuff?
I think Sunset needs to revoke your graduation papers?
Who is this person? I can tell it is one of our fellow Sunset grads writing, but I'm prayerful it is not someone still in the pulpit. The Church of Christ has enough judging and hatefulness. Hang in there Eben! It takes a real man of faith to be so open with his journey to Christ's Church. It seems that the true attitude of Christ should shine even in those comments where the writer is hurt or disagrees with your decision to follow Christ. We were taght, and we taught others that the C o C is the one true church. Shame on us! I hope we can talk more soon for my journey is much like yours.
God knows our heart!

In Him,
Shane McLoud
AIM 91