Saturday, June 30, 2007

this blog and your questions

I would imagine that many of you are reading this for the first time.

I started this blog to air questions and provide honest dialogue. This blog will not be censored, unless people are vulgar. I invite you to ask any question you want. If you are looking for honesty this is your place. If you are looking to find further justification for everything you have always believed please go to another place. The point of this is not controversy but rather a medium for us to say what and ask each other honest questions. I am doing this to get an idea of what people really think. If you want to remain anonymous that is cool. At times I will ask questions. They may relate to what is going on in my life and they may just be questions I am asking out of curiosity. You may ask why don't you just do this face to face, well I am not a real social person. I used to feel bad about this, I don't anymore because I realized the guilt was from a false perception of what- and sometimes who- I should be. a question or comment and let's start talking.

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