Saturday, September 20, 2008


I haven't posted in a while. The last few times I have posted have been quick. Today I have a little time, emphasis on little. The last couple of months have been very busy for Jennifer and me. Her school takes a lot of her time. She is teaching a few undergrad classes and taking hours as well. She is doing a great job and somehow still finds time to love me. My business has taken off very well and I feel very blessed. I believe it has been the hand of God. I am excited about the temporary slow down this fall, until the leafs fall anyway. I want to go hunting and camping and I haven't had much time to do so. I am still RCIA and approaching full communion with the church slowly. I begin teaching a class at the Cathedral, CTK, on October 2nd at 7 on the Biblical nature of Catholicism. If you are going to come to the class I recomend you read your New Testament and "Unabridged Christianity" By Father Mario Romero. Brother Johns has it. I am involved in a program on Monday mornings call That Man is You. It is an early morning men's group where we study facets of men's leadership and spirituality, both of which seem to be in short supply among men. I am supposed to go tailgating today, I would rather work on my hot-water heater. I know that sounds odd but I would rather just be at home and watch the Ryder cup. I haven't got to play much golf, though last week I played once. It was so nice. My score was junk but it was a perfect day. Not much else is going on, I go to Dallas in a couple of days to speak, Jennifer and I work and live life. I am thankful to be where I am and with Jennifer. I appreciate you stopping by, drop me a line sometime. 


Unknown said...

I love you so much for fixing the water heater!!! I love you for lots of other reasons too, but today it is mostly because you fixed the water heater. Hopefully our gas bill won't go up, because we are taking longer showers now!

Unknown said...

You need to post a new blog!!!