Sunday, November 23, 2008

New Post

Jennifer told me I needed to post a new blog. I don't have the time to sit at the computer like I used to. When I am at the computer the last thing on my mind is blogging. Anyway...what is new. I was confirmed last night and I am now in full communion with the Church. It was wonderful, I can not describe what it is like to take the body and blood of Christ in the Eucharist. The last year was a long journey but I am eternally grateful for it. I continue to teach the classes on Thursday nights. The turnout has been great and I am thankful for everyone wonderful encouragement. Work has slowed down significantly but I am not complaining. The next couple of months I am filing papers to change my business name to Llano Lawns. I plan on growing and expanding what I do. The first year went much better than I had anticipated. I kinda did this by default and it has been blessed beyond my imagination. Jennifer continues with school. She is doing a great job and I am very proud her. The other day she had me fry two turkeys for the math grad department and they ran out of meat. It embarrassed her but I was proud of my foul. What else...recreation. I haven't got to play much golf this year but that should change in the next couple of years when I transition to a manager-operator position. I am going hunting for a solid week in a couple of days in Arkansas. There are large bucks that have been spotted. I hope to get one. In case you were wondering no one went out and tied one to a tree for me. (Only one person may know why I write that.)
Anyway. I am going to eat some breakfast and finish painting the house. It looks so much better now. We had thought, as the business grew, that we would move. Not now though we have done way too much to this house.
Hope you are well and that God is real in your life. Seek Him.


Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your entry into the Church!

Unknown said...

I am so proud of you babe! Enjoy the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Christ!