Saturday, July 26, 2008

Life in Lubbock

It has been a while since I last blogged. I have been very busy with work. I love the work I get to do. I like the way a lawn looks after it has been cared for properly. Jennifer has been busy as well with school and teaching. She also has a full time job taking care of me. I appreciate her more than I can say.
Much has happened in the last several months. I have spoke a couple of times at different functions. The response has been good. I speak again in September here in Lubbock and then in October in Dallas. It is what I truly love to do. I have been blessed to meet so many wonderful people since we moved to Lubbock. I have recently come to realize that we can say whatever we wish but in the end people will believe what they are able to believe. God truly provides the increase. I have wanted so many times to address some of the things that were said about me after our move. I don't see the point anymore. So many dishonest things were said. I continue to go through RCIA and love every minute of it. I was timid about converting but the further I get into it the more I realize the true beauty of the holy, Catholic and apostolic Church. Sure, there have been some things that have been difficult but in the end I can trust that Christ works through His church.
Life in Lubbock is nice. We are having some friends over tonight to grill out. We have started to pray the Liturgy of the Hours, a prayer book that leads you. I have never seen a deeper respect for prayer the presence of Christ than I see now. Well I hear Jennifer rattling dishes so I better go help. Email me or respond I would love to hear from you.
I hope that you are all doing well.



Just wanted to tell you that I missed you at camp this year. Sure wish we could have hung out. My ping-pong paddle was smoke'n hot!


Eben said...

I'm glad your paddle got warmed up, your neck was warm last year- from watching the ball fly by you. lol
Eben Thanks.

Justin Fletcher said...

Eben, I had a random thought about you today so I looked you up online- to find this. Can I get your email? I want you to read an essay I wrote this school year. It's not great, but it could begin an interesting dialogue

Justin Fletcher