Tuesday, February 26, 2008


Ever since I posted the blog about my conversion I have received many emails, calls and responses. I sincerely appreciate your faith and must say I am overwhelmed by the loving responses of many of you. All I can think is that I worded it all wrong and for that I am sure I have lost some friends. I can understand why many of you are upset with me. I want you to know that I am Catholic and am convinced it is the true church. Anyway my wife wanted to write a few words. I didn't want her to at first but she can better express some of the things we are going through.

From Jennifer:

Dear Cherished Friends,
First, I would like to express our love and appreciation to all of you who have responded to our announcement. Taking time to ask us questions and let us know how you feel shows us that you truly love us. We are eternally indebted to you for your concern, honesty, kindness and prayers.

Next, I would like to clarify a few misunderstanding. Some of you are under the impression that Eben's previous post was directed toward a specific group of people. This couldn't be farther from the truth. We have nothing but love, respect, and appreciation for ALL of the people we have worked, worshiped and fellowshipped with over the last five years. Any frustrations we had were with the overall system, not individuals within that system. The reason for our conversion was NOT because of these frustrations. After all, wherever people are involved there will be imperfection and frustrations. However, these frustrations were the catalyst that pushed us to question many things. This began several years of study and prayer that led us to the undeniable truth at which we have arrived. We are fully aware that many of you will not agree with us. That is okay. We still consider you brothers and sisters in Christ and our hearts are full of His love for you.

Finally, I would like to ask that any comments, questions, or concerns be directed to me or Eben. Please do not speculate without getting the answer directly from us. We are prepared to answer any questions that come our way (otherwise we would not have made this life changing decision).

Again, thank you to all of you who have responded to last night's post. We are sorry if a poor choice of words hurt you or anybody else. Please keep us in your prayers as we do the same for you.

Love in Christ,


flee said...

Ok...I'm just now getting caught up on your recent posts.

Let me say, Eben and Jennifer, once again, Todd and I love you. I'm sure that you are being overwhelmed with responses right now, so I'll save my thoughts for a phone call. I want to pray about it before I call you. It's hard to convey words over the internet anyway; I think things get misinterpreted.

We'll call soon. Eben, you guys will always have our support and love brother.


Debbie said...

I so hope you will continue to share with us! I never did see anything you wrote that indicated to me anything other than you are seeking a closer relationship with God. Joda and I are doing a study by Henry and Richard Blackaby called Expirencing God and I can't explain it, other than to say that God must be endorsing it, because I can see so much better what he wants from me and how to achive that through Him. I do not care that you have changed to the Catholic Church, I care that you are responding to a cry from your innermost being for something more!
The only real Church is the body of Christ wherever we worship. Anywhere you find people that love the Lord with all their heart and with all soul and with all their mind, and love each other and share their faith, and share their love you have found the Church. I know that the Lord is working in and through you for whatever that is worth. Love, Debbie

Anonymous said...

You said that you "are Catholic", so have you already gone through all of their requirments to become Catholic?

Eben said...

I begin RCIA Monday the 3rd. It is the process by which an adult who was not raised in the Church joins. It takes several months. The best way to describe it would be discipling process. We learn a lot of info of course but it more geared to help us catch the spirit of Catholicism so as not to produce stagnant members. So to answer your question yes I am Catholic, I am a member of the Cathedral congregation, but I can not take communion until I go through this process.
Who are you anyway?

Elizabeth said...

I love your "Dear John" letter on the internet, Eben, since many of the people you worshipped with will never see it! Instead of not be divisive, i found you not to be honest. You stated often that if we all knew the real you that you would have been fired! I hope that you communion with the Saints will give you more of a peace than you have had. In our home you were given a special place--our children were allowed to hang on your words--now you will be talked of as a liar. You stated that you had the realization of the truth but felt no obligation to share it with any of us---that's the Eben that we all know--you know more than anyone! I'm sorry that you have resigned your priesthood to the liturgy and dogma--and since we can all agree that the catholic church is free from apostacy--I'm sure you'll be happy. Were you studying to be a catholic in Lubbock while taking a paycheck from us?

Eben said...

You certainly are honest. You are right. I handled it wrong. I didn't know what to do, I didn't know where I was heading. You are also right that the Catholic church has problems. I am sorry for my poor handling of this situation. It hurt to read your words but I understand that I have handled this whole thing in a horrible manner. I knew where I was being pulled but I didn't know what to do about it. I did the best I could and it was not the right way, you are right. I apprecaite your faith and honesty.

Matt H. said...

I find it interesting that you changed your post. You went back and took out some of the things that you first posted. You also did not asnswer Elezabeth's question.

You must understand why there are several so upset about this. You were teaching us something that you did not belive.
But all of that aside, as Christians we need to reach out to you, we need to put aside the bitterness and being angry. Understand that if we did not care for you we would not be so upset. I beg you, you know so many people in Lubbock in the church, go to them, let them help you, study with them, or come back to Tulia and set down with some of us here. we are here for you, we love you and want to help you. I think that might be some of the hurt feelings, we wish that while you were going through some of this that you would have come to some of us and said "I am having trouble, I need help." So please go to someone and ask for help. We pray for you daily.

Matt H. said...

Know that I am here for you,
Know that there are several here for you. Even though we are upset, that does not mean that we would not be here for you, and we all would be willing to set down with you and help you in anyway that we can. I pray that if you do not seek this out, that God will send someone to you.

Anonymous said...

What's funny about all these posts is people are getting angry when they have no right. So you are going to take what Eben preached as a lie? What he preached from THE BIBLE is lies? Ridiculous.

I know for a FACT that Eben sparked interest about Christ in people. I may not be evangelical about the Lord, but I believe more now than I did in High School. I will accredit that to Eben.

Before you point fingers at Eben, look at yourself. Eben has fire for the Lord. He worships and praises everyday. Can you say the same?

Not to mention Church of Christ are the most JUDGMENTAL people I know. I have met many many people in college. Some Catholic, Baptist, CoC, even atheist. My Church of Christ friends are always first to place judgment. Don't get me wrong, I love my hometown church; but some people never seem to see both sides.

Since when is one religion any more right than the next? I don't think the Lord would say, "You're Catholic? There is no place for your kind in Heaven." That is ludicrous. We all have the same goal. And if you don't know what that goal is, I think you need to go back to square one.

Anonymous said...

Losing friends over changing religions? Seems like they were never true friends in the beginning.

Anonymous said...

I forgot the scripture that I meant to put on.

"Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brothers eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye?" Luke 6:41

Sorry for all the consecutive posts.

See ya'll soon.

Debbie said...

Eben, Bless your heart! I think you should delete the mean comments so they do not resonate in your heart. I just read all this and it makes me so Thankful that I have found people to fellowship with that Love the Lord so much, they are able to Love each other. I only ask that you can forgive me for not stepping up to the alter after everyone of your sermons, I was always moved! I pray that the Lord forgives me and that you forgive me for failing to show my Love for Lord and my Love for you to the assembly. Peace of Christ be with you.

Eben said...

To all who have written.
I did not make the change until I was in Lubbock. I knew where I was being pulled to and I knew that change was inevitable. What was I to do? Stay. I don't think that would have helped anyone. I didn't make my mind up completely until I was in Lubbock. It would not have been right for me to stay on the payroll if I was converting in my heart. It would not have been right. I admit I handled it wrong. I made some big mistakes. I did some stupid things and said some stupid things in my time at Tulia. I appreciate the honesty but please don't focus on me. Yes thank you for pointing things out but please put your focus on Christ. About the rest I don't know what else to say. If this becomes a hate-blog I will delete. I already have stopped moderating comments from those of you who I greatly respect. At the same time I pray that you will forgive and love me, as well I am sorry for the hurt I have caused so many.
May the Lord bless you and keep you in His peace.

Anonymous said...

Eben and Jennifer,

We don't know each other, but I heard about you through a mutual friend. I'd be very interested to know if there were certain books/tapes/cd's that were particularly helpful in overcoming your objections to Catholicism. Maybe those who think you've made a mistake would understand better if they could read or listen to the biblical arguments that persuaded you.

I'm a lifelong Catholic from Houston. My wife is a convert from the Methodist church, and she grew up in Tulia. We now live in Lubbock and attend Christ the King Cathedral. Do you also attend Christ the King? I think I read that …

Can’t imagine how hard this decision was (and is) for you two. I applaud your courage and we’ll be praying for you. Let me know if you ever want to discuss … I’m halfway through a master’s in theology at the University of Dallas.


Matt H. said...


I do forgive you.

I would ask the members of our congergation to please reach out to Eben in Love and not in Anger. If we truly care for Eben and Jen. we will reach out in Love. Eben please accept my apology from our congergation if some things have been said in anger that upset you. The angry comments will only push him farther away. Know that there are several here that will be here for you at anytime, if you ever need anything. We pray for you daily.
Tulia and any others please think and chose your words wisley when posting to Eben, chose words of love and not anger. Eben please accept my apology for anything I have said that upset you, Cheryl and I love you guys and we are here for both of you any time. If you had rather e-mail me, go to my blog at thehowellhouse.blogspot.com and there is an e-mail link.
God bless you and we love you.

Matt H. said...

I would encourage anyone, especally those from our congergation to chose your words wisley when posting. We all need to reach out to Eben in Love and not in Anger. We love you Eben, and we do forgive you, thank you for asking. If we post angry comments and not comments that reach out in love we will only push Eben farther away. So please chose your words wisley.
Know that Cheryl and I are here for you anytime you need us. We love you and pray for you daily. Please accept my apology for anything that has been said that upset you in anyway, it was truly not my intent to hurt you. There are so many that love you and know that we would not be upset if we did not care for you. If you had rather e-mail me plese go to my blog at thehowellhouse.blogspot.com and use the e-mail link there. God bless and please call if there is anything we can do to help you.

Matt H. said...


soory i just sent you two comments that say the same thing. I do not blame you for approving the posts, before posting. I will try to encorage everyone to stop the angry comments.

Eben said...

Yes we do go to CTK. A couple of books that were good were "Born Fundamentalist Born again Catholic." David Currie. "A Biblical Defense of Catholicism," Dave Armstrong. The best is "Unabridged Christianity," Fr. Mario Romero. I would also encourage you to read some anti-Catholic literature. Why? Because you will quickly realize that most of what has been taught about Catholicism is not true. Also read the Catechism, big read but well worth it. Hope to meet you sometime.

Eben said...

I appreciate your post. I am not bothered by ya'lls honesty. What does bother me is when half-truths and assumptions are made. I know much about people and it bothers me that now that I am Catholic it is "ok" to bash my character. Well, I have to say that this whole thing has really helped solidify my decision. I know I made mistakes, I should have shared the journey, but I didn't. Then after we moved and I did convert I really did not think it would have that much effect in Tulia. Boy I was wrong.
I just rambling now.

preacherman said...

I have been reading your blog and can understand where you are coming from and how you feel. Let me explain myself. I am an LCU graduate. I graduated in 1998. My first job was at a church that was going through a split that the elders hid from me. Come to find out it was the third split in five years. I was doing ministry reconcilation which was a complete failure. I had a mom who had mental problems, got fixated on my family and started stalking my family in which the elders did nothing about. I sent out 120 resumes in a month and took the first job offered. It was a job in california. The church in california wanted a youth minister to just play with the kids. I spent a month of ministry instead of building relationships; selling pumpkins in a pumpkin patch as a funraiser for the youth group. The church had a top 25 giver banquet to present adding a building to the church. I found out that 3 of the elders sons were drinking and were drunk in class and when I tried to meet with the elders to try to get their sons help that they needed they of course didn't believe me. Thinking their sons were perfect and would never drink and get drunk and high on pot. In six months they let me go. After that youth ministry job I took a job in Tx. It went good for a while until the parents wanted a lone ranger youth minister which I am totally against. The parents wanted me to do everything. They wanted my wife to teach the girls, cook meals for devotionals, minister to the girls if they had problems, we had a young son who was just born. The parents wanted me to teach class, devotionals, lead singing, do V.B.S. all by myself, mission trip all by myself, plan and develop retreats all by myself. One monday morning one of the teenagers commited suicide. He was a grandson of one of the elders. I went up the school to councel our teens and other teenagers. I invited the teens over to our house for dinner, prayer, discussion and additional counceling. One of elders said, "We had a youth minister and this happened." Not one of the elders called the teens to see how they were doing. Not one of the elders called to see if they could do anything. Not one of the elders called to let our youth group know that they were praying for them and that if they needed anything the elders were there for them. Not one elder call my wife and I to let us know that they were praying for us.

After that; that was the last straw for me. I had had it. I turned in my resignation without even talking to the elders or parents without having a job. I moved out of the house and we moved to Abilene. I work at a Telecommunications company. I quit church. I drank. I smoked. I cused. I blamed God for what he had done. I was so angry.

My wife encouraged me to go back to church and told me I couldn't run from God. I took a long subattical from ministry to say the least. When I went to church I learned alot. Many of the churches the focus was about "I" instead of "Christ". It was about how "I" feel, what I want, what can this church do for my kids, family, me. Instead of what can I do for the church.

I have gotten back into full time ministry. No longer youth ministry. I am a pulpit minister. I love it. I have a passion for it. One of the things that I have learned is the church must get out of its comfort zone and change the way we have been doing things. I am not talking about "seeker services" as the baby boomer generation sees seeker services. No we much change everything as Brain McLaren says in his book.

We must become missional.
We must reach this un-church generation. We must become emerging. We must become vintage in our worship. We must become authentic in our Christianity. We must show people who Jesus is by the way we love and live our lives.

Eben, I want you to know that your blog is one of my favorites.
I pray that God will bless your life in ever aspect brother.
Your blog has been a blessing to my life. Thank you....Thank You!
In Him,
Kinney Mabry

flee said...

Hey man...still here and still planning a phone call. It's hard to find a time when we can both talk to you without a hundred children interrupting! Maybe this evening at bedtime. Reminding you again...we love you. Todd and I visited CTK one time. Also visited St. Jude...I liked St. Jude alot. People were extremely friendly and the service was contemporary, very uplifting! We went there for Patty's class on Religions I believe. It was an overall good experience. Anxious to talk to you about your journey.


Anonymous said...

Great catholic technique!!! Good form---scare them into submisssion!
You got the goods--will share at any time!

Eben said...

Who are you? I am not sure what you mean by your reponse. Can you be more specific.

Eben said...

It sounds like you had a bad experience, in all ways. I hate that for you. We never faced anything like that. Thanks for your story and your faith, may God bless you in your search of Him. I am glad that you came back to the faith and had the courage to stand by our Lord. The church needs convicted men who have struggled, I think it makes for a more genuine faith.

Anonymous said...


David Currie was just at Christ the King last weekend for a biblical conference on the "End Times". Did you know? Did you get to attend?

I couldn't make it as I was out of town.

If you haven't read "Rome Sweet Home" by Scott Hahn (and his wife), I recommend it. I'm sure you'll enjoy it.


Eben said...

Yes I got to meet David Currie and Barber, and Petri (spelling?). I talked to David for a long time Friday night at the banquet. He has been in the same position and I really enjoyed talking to him. I have read Rome Sweet Home, but to be honest when I read it I did so to rebuke it's content. I like Hahn but not as much as some of the other ministers who have converted.
Do you go to 9:15 or 11:00 Mass? Maybe we can do lunch after services Sunday. Let me know bro.

Eben said...

I have had some posts, or reponses from an Anonymous who doesn't leave their name. I wont post your comments unless you reveal who you are. Plus all the questions you ask have already been answered, several times. To answer the one that has not been answered, no I don't mind calling someone father anymore than I mind calling someone teacher.

tim rush said...

WOW! Haven't checked your blog in a week and look at what all I've missed.

I'm a bit speechless but would like to share something that I've learned recently that has offerred much freedom.

Jesus says in Luke 8 that his family are those that listen to his words and put them into practice.

The Eben I know works hard to listen to Jesus and strives even harder to obey.

Keep listening to Jesus.

I love you and respect you Eben.

tim rush said...

Hey man,

I just posted a comment but it didn't show up, so I'll try again... hope there isn't a delay and then I'm just repetative.

In a nut-shell... WOW! Didn't see that one coming.

Something that has really encouraged me lately is Jesus' words in Luke 8 when he says his family are those that listen to his words and put them into practice.

Since I've known you, that has always been a description of Eben Emerson.

Keep listening to Jesus.

God bless you brother. I love and respect you.

Sarah said...

Eben and Jennifer, I was moved by your words. I am sure this has been a shock to the church in Tulia, and I am sure they may have many questions, which is understandable. Be patient with them as they seek to understand your conversion. I will pray for them and for you. I know your hearts, and your longing to be more like Christ. I love you no matter what! Keep pressing on!

Eben said...

We did cause a lot of pain but it is my fault in how we, I, handled it. I see that they truly love us and care for us so much. I had lunch with one of the elders yesterday and I am so glad that I have brothers like him who love Jesus and show a genuine concern. The thing that amazes me is their faith. Even though we disagree they love Jesus and their love for Him has been extended to me. Some have responded poorly with attacks but what do you do. Thanks for the response.

Eben said...

I can assure you that the image or idea that you have of me is one I will strive for the rest of my life. I can say that you and especially your bride are wonderful Christians. You are such a servant and your children are fortunate to have such wonderful Christian parents. Thanks for your kind words. Please keep in touch.

Anonymous said...

Oh, Eben. You didn't think this news would hurt us? It has, immensely. I'm praying for the Tulia family, for me and for you.

Anonymous said...

The problem with your teacher and father idea is Matthew 23:9. Don't give the two,father and teachers,as equivalants ;the Bibile doesn't. Morah is also addressed. Please don't give the earthly father business as any defense. You're smarter than that!

Eben said...

I had to laugh you made a good point I wish I would have caught. Also if you think I am smart we obvisouly don't know each other.
Ok about the "father," if you wont accept the two as equally adressed consider that Paul called himself father to many. Read these verses. Abraham is refered to as father in through the first four chapters of Romans. 1Corinthians 4:15 is the best, Paul became their father in the faith. Jesus was right and so is Paul. There is only one heavenly father there are many earthly fathers.
In case you are wondering I posted your comments this time because the personal attack stopped.
Peace be with you,

Anonymous said...

Great point about Paul! He was struggling with the way the Corinthian Christains would learn a proper way to see the apostles. Paul asks that he, and the other apostles be regarded as servants. Paul uses the word hyperetas, which describes a subordinate servant functioning as a free man. Not too exalted, and not too low. The word actually means "under-rower" on a boat. Paul only asserts himself as; for in Christ Jesus I have begotten you through the gospel. This in no way refers to a human that is infalliable about the Bible. Nowhere does scripture state that in order to keep the church from error, the authority was passed on to those ordained. Paul does not call on believers in various churches to receive Titus, Timothy, and other church leaders based on their authority as bishops, but rather based upon their being fellow laborers with him. What we are taught is the scriptures alone are infallible. Acts 20:32; 2 Timothy 3:15-17; Matthew 5:18; John 10:35; Acts 17:10-12; Isaiah 8:20;40:8
About Abraham maybe tomorrow!

Eben said...

Mr. Anon,
You brought up some great points and I can tell you are a person of the Word with a great affection for the Lord and the Bible.

Paul was a servant. He was also a father. The text I thought said that. How do you think, looking at 4:15, that Paul was not a father. Would it diminish the Paternal nature of our Father? I am excited to see your research on that. It is obvious you have studied much of this before. So how does your answer contradict what I said before? Paul was a father, but not the Father.

About scripture. The scriptures are infalliable. If you accept the authority of the New Testament you accept the authority of the Catholic church. You are obviously a person of study and I am sure you have studied the means by which we got out Bibles.

Timothy and Titus were evangelist. They were to appoint bishops, or elders if you will. They were to be accepted based on the sending of Paul. They were co-laborers and workers but their authority well established.

I guess I need your help in understanding how Paul wasn't a father. As well, infalability is misunderstood. But "whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven," is a very compelling argument since you brought it up.

I am glad you are commenting now you have really challenged me to dig in.

Eben said...

I was asked to further explain the comments made to Mr. Anonymous about the idea of the title Father. Again the best place is 1Corinthians 4:15 where Paul teaches that we all have many fathers. Biologically we have fathers. Of course their is our heavenly father. Then there are those who are fathers to our faith, people such as father Abraham, or Paul who, as the text teaches, was a father to many. The text explains it better than I and there is no contradiction in the gospels.
I was also what I meant by the "we" referring to the New Testmant. It is a fact that the Catholic church was the means by which the whole of scripture was put together. We all agree that there was divine guidance but the Lord utilized His church on earth. Paul told Timothy that the church was the pillar and foundation of the truth. It is no more evident than in the fact that the church was the herald and protector of this truth.
I hope that answers your questions.
I appreciate you sharing, God blessing and peace be upon you.

Anonymous said...

He alone is to a have preeminence in the church(Colossians 1:18; MAtt.23: 8-10) In addition, there is the principle of the priesthood of every believer. ( 1 Peter 2:5,9)
Paul only declares that the gospel is the intrument by which they were born. The preposition "of" (ek) is indicative of source, not "means". We are born "by the Word of God" as the source.(John 1:13; 1 John 4:7; 5:1, 4, 18). The preposition "by" (dia) is indicative of means, or instrumentality. We are born "by the Word of God," or through the Gospel"( 1 Corinthians 4:15).
We are not born "by" God, but "of" God. Being born "of" God means that He is the efficient cause or author of the birth; to be born "by" the Word or Gospel means that is through these means of revelation that God performs the work of bringing men to Himself. Who alone is to be called Holy? He alone is to have the preeminence in the church (Colossians 1:18; Matt.23:8-10) In addittion, there is the principle of the priesthood of every believer. (1 Peter 2:5,9)
Concerning Abraham, this was an issue of birthrite. John destroys the refuge of sin. Pointing to the stones of the Jordan, he sunk the higher claims of Judaism. He then points to the Gentiles who were to become Abraham's children by birth.
Pretty cool! Where is the authority of the Catholic church established in the New Test.? There is only one scripture of Peter writing from "Babylon" (1 Peter 5:13) Scripture does show that Peter's authority was shared by other apostles (Ephesian 2:19-20) and the "loosing and binding" authority attributed to him was likewise shared byt the local churches, not just by their church leaders ( Matthew 18:15-19; 1 Corinthians 5:1-13; 2 Corinthians 13:10; Titus 2:15; 3:10-11). How is Mary being venerated a part of the new covenent? I hope I don't get a grade on this! Catechism teaches that I practice an errored, incomplete Christianity--what do you think?

Anonymous said...

What's up? I posted but did not show....I guess is the Spirit.
Anyway, Tana and I love you guys, and keep searching for Christ. It is our responsibility; we must pay attention to what we do as Christians. Because I agree with you the real church is the one from the first century. The problem is that the Catholic Church is not what it started to be. I Gerald's words: "we must profess instead of protest." Keep praying, for us as we pray for you. And come to Mexico to see how Catholics live empty without Christ.

Anonymous said...

Eben...WOW! Those guys must have done a number on you there! Just Kiddin... I understand. The Catholic Church would not have been my choice BUT, I understand your quest for Christ brother. I am going to refrain from the fray. My theological prowes has something to be desired. My spelling does also. However, I don't see the Catholic church as any different from any other Christian church. The fact is, there are over 1000 different Christian denominations. That means, simply, there are 10,000 different opinions on how "it" should be done. Sifting through all of this JUNK and TRADITION can be frustrating. Just let GOD guide you. I know that you are wondering who I am. I am going to let you wonder. More for my sake than yours. I have spent time in the Church at Tulia. I am a some what bitter, and not quite reformed, ex-Church of Christ person. Okay...So much for staying out of the fray. There are many reasons for the members of that church to get their dander up...This...is not one of them. If anything, it will be another elephant in the room that no one will see. Ahem...Sorry...venting a bit. I wish you the best. GOD SPEED to you and Jenniffer.

Eben said...

If you are same some who asked about the father thing you still haven't dealt with the first issue you brought up. How does John eliminate Abraham's being the father. TheAbout the text you posted for your other ideas I would read them in their context. The thing I love about being Catholic is that we don't pick and choose single verses to take a stand on, we believe in the whole of scripture. Not just the parts that agree with us.
Anyway...let's deal with one topic at a time. Further, did you recently submit a post about my character? Well anyway brother I pray that we can deal with one topic at a time. So let's finish the father thought that you brought up. I still contend 1Cor. 4:11-16 teaches that we do have many fathers.
What are your thoughts on that? Looking forward to hearing from you, you always bring up wonderful points.

Anonymous said...

Eben and Jennifer,

I was raised in the Church of Christ and was actively involved for my entire life until I too converted to Catholicism in 2003. I appreciate all that you are going through and would love to share experiences with you if you ever feel like you desire to do so. Until then, my family and I will be praying for you.


Anonymous said...


I am not the one who brought up the "father issue". I am simply a person that knows you and has spent time in Tulia. My only point, if it is a point, is there are many different Christian churches. I am not a proponent of "denominational" religion. wether it be Luthren, Methodist, Catholic, Church of Christ or what have you. Each one, in and of itself, causes division to some degree. I would caution you in saying that the Catholic church is the "one" true church. At the core of Christianity, is the one simple truth. None of us go to the Father (GOD) but through CHRIST. Believe in him and you will be saved. Now...having said that, I don't know if there is a right or wrong way of doing that. I am not prepared or qualified to make that call. It is up to each one of us, individualy, to make that commitment to Christ. It is my hope that you did not trade one "right" way of doing things for another. We are imperfect. That is our nature. I said all of that just to say this. I dont judge you for your choice. It may not have been mine, but you need to be where you can be fed spiritualy. Again...God Speed.

Anonymous said...

Eben, I am the Anonymous that posted March 6 at 10:57 PM. That was my first post. Sorry if that got confusing having 2 anonymous'! We will pray for you and Jennifer. Let God lead you, it sounds like you are doing that! Hope things are going well for you in Lubbock.

Eben said...

Praise God! It has been amazing this whole journey but I have to say that after the decision to convert the reaction by many showed me the beauty of what we have now. It solidified my decision. I know there are many things we have in common. I was a minister in church of Christ all of my adult life. I thought I would be for the rest of my life. I could no longer fight the truth. Lost a lot of friend in the process but when the Eucharist is administered at Mass I know I made the right choice.
God bless you.

Eben said...

To all the people posting anonymously,
Please put something like anon#5 or something. I am having a hard time following who is writting what and I responding to questions other people did not ask.

Anonymous said...

You can respond to the time of the post. Just direct your response to anon 6:45 for example.

Anonymous said...

Sorry...Il take # 7. Its my lucky number. By the way, I posted at 10:57 & 1:49 PM.

Eben said...

I would much rather call you by name. I think I know who you are but because you wish to remain anonymous it will remain that way. I once told a friend of mine who was going through some struggles that I never doubted their faith. I have to tell you that you are right that we must keep out eyes on Jesus. Amen to that. I hope that you continue to write and let us know how you are doing. Many of the things that we have struggled with were catalyst to this search but they were not the reason for our conversion. Talk to you later.

Anonymous said...

Eben I am glad to hear that you and Jennifer are well, but I was saddened to hear that you had left the ministry. I admire your insights and eloquence in preaching and teaching the gospel. I suppose there is little that I could say at this point to make you change your mind, but I hope you will at least give me a chance.
“Thy word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path”.
This world that we live in is dark and it is easy to lose our way. Our path is filled with obstacles. Satan places some of them in the way to make us stumble, others are of our own doing, and there may be no explanation for others. God is light and will illuminate our way with his “lamp” if we seek the help.
Along the way there are other paths that we can take and oftentimes an obstacle can cause us to look in a different direction and go onto another path that seems the best way to go. Again, God’s word is a “light unto our path.” Some paths “seem right but lead to destruction.”
Eben you have a sharp mind and I know that the truth of God’s word is” hidden in your heart”. You are now on a different path and in great need of God’s light to enable you to see where you are and everything spiritually dangerous around you. You have spent most of your adult life learning and teaching God’s truth. I pray that you will pause for a moment and use that impressive knowledge to see the path that you are on and where you are headed.
Eben, it is not too late to turn around. I am very concerned about you and where your will end up. I know you have given this a great amount of thought and I respect that, but brother this is not just about you and your decision. I know how deeply you love Jennifer and God has given you a great gift in her. God has made you the spiritual leader of your house and as I read your postings, I can see that she has been a remarkably submissive Godly woman to follow your lead wherever that may take her. Eben, you have the background and knowledge to lead her, and she is depending on your guidance. I plead with you brother to think about where you are leading her.
God has a purpose for you Eben, but you must follow Him, trust Him, and be faithful to Him. Before you bow your knee to an alter made by human hands, listen carefully to the Word deeply planted in your heart and soul. Search for Him not in books by men but in His Word. Let that light illuminate every aspect of your journey and it may be very comforting but it also may be very frightening. Disregard it and your may miss the handwriting on the wall.
Eben I still consider you a friend and a brother, and I am praying for you and Jennifer. You have carried the good news of Jesus Christ to the lost, and for that I am deeply grateful. I know you have suffered personally and that has caused you and Jennifer much pain. I pray God will give you the grace and the strength to regain your footing and in doing so grant you the peace that passes all understanding in Christ Jesus. If you need my help, please let me know.
In Christ,
Hollis Adams

Eben said...

It was very nice to hear from you and I appreciate your kind words. More than anything I appreciate the love and concern you show for Jennifer and I. The decision was not an easy one. I had taught for years against the Catholic church. My wife was raised Catholic and when we were dating I brought her to the church of Christ because I could not marry a Catholic. She loved it and I was very happy with the woman God has blessed me with. Then after her conversion her family got worried. They asked me to read some material. Much like material that the church puts out, their teaching etc. I was appauled and set about to read the material to prove them wrong. What I found was that many of the things I read were Biblical. I dismissed it and then years later I started to study the history of Christianity and time and time again found that only one church has existed since the first century, it was the Catholic church. Again, I dismissed and went about my business. There was a stirring inside of me and I couldn't fight it anymore so I studied, I prayed I worried and I knew that I was being pulled by the Spirit of God to the Catholic faith. Most of what I had been taught about the Catholic church was not true. Granted their history has some wonderful times of faithfulness and then some not so faithful. Jennifer and I love the Catholic church. We also love our brothers and sisters in the church of Christ but we believe that the church instituted by God was and is the Catholic church.
Again, thanks so much for your kind words they are very encouraging. I am going to continue to teach and speak but in different contexts.
I pray that you are all well. Your congregation is fortunate to have faithful men like you serve with them.
God bless,

Debbie said...

I think that the first Church would be beit k'nesset (literally, House of Assembly, hebrew), or Synagogue, this would have been where Jesus went to fellowship with Gods people as a child, he would have observed all of the law. He sought during his ministry to seperate God law from man law,and rebuked the church on several occasions.The Rabbi was paid to understand the scrolls, just as he is today in the Catholic Church. The only true rabbi was Jesus himself free of sin and was the sin offering for all of us, so we can eat pork and get to heaven, even worse. Yet we all know that living by Gods laws are for our own good. Jesus abided in Gods laws as they are one in the same. The Catholic Church is a merger between the two churches. Not in Jesus day and not now has any church met the perfect requirements of Gods law. The perfection of God and his law, and his ways come from Jesus. Actually Jesus conducted his church everywhere he went, and I think he sought to share his message more in the streets than the church building. The fellowship with other Christ filled believers should be everywhere we go, as we go. I think we should go to all the churches and see what God is doing in each one, to think that God only operates in one or the other is foolish. Do we not have the discernment of his word to guide us in our walk. Are we filled with the spirit of Christ, to know when the love of Christ is present, do we love the traditions more than we love each other? Any time masses of people are gathered there will be some that are not yet filled with the love of Christ, but the question is - is there some who are so evidently filled with the love of Christ to show his kind of love to all who enter through the door, that they might want what that person has. I don't care what church you fellowship in my God operates in his own way, not the ways of man, and he is not limited as we would like so much to believe we have picked the most rightous church, all fall short of the Glory of God! Including my little Baptist church! Mans traditions attempt to limit God, and work against him whenever they fail to show the love of Christ to all who enter the door. Can we all walk away from the flesh for even a time to fellowship? Is fellowship a scheduled program, or is it pure worship, or is it sharing Gods providence in our lives, or is it showing love in his way? Just my own ponderings, I just wanted to share with you. Would love to hear some response. Feel free to comment on my blog.

Eben said...

You brought out some good points. And I am not suprised you love Jesus and seek him always, that is very evident. I do believe that we are to show Christ in all things. As well Christ is to be worshipped at all times. I do believe that there are priests today just as there were under the law, which Jesus came to fulfill. I am not sure that the Catholic church is a combination or merger between the two, law and Christ, but rather a fulfillment of everything that the law pointed toward. In the Catholic church we take the body and blood of Christ in a meal we call the eucharist, most call is the Lord's supper. It is not an activity symbolic but the true blood and body of Christ. This is hard for me to understand but I have the peace of knowing that Christ is present with us in the assembly. Christ is real and alive in the Catholic church. I think that exploring other denominations is a good thing so long as we come back to what we know is Biblical. Jennifer and I have been on this journey for a long time and found the church that gives us Christ and not just our interpretation of him, which usually looks more like us than like him. Debbie, thanks for writting I always enjoy your post, they were so encouraging to Jennifer and I when we were going through a rough patch. I would encourage you to not listen to what others are saying about Catholicism and ask what Catholicism says about itself. Most of what I was told about the Catholic church turned out to not be true.
Thanks for posting, I am glad to have good sisters in Christ like you,

Anonymous said...

Is it true that you confess your sins to a priest? Where is the Bible does it tell us we have to answer to a Pope or allow him to make laws for us?

Eben said...

Yes we do confess to priests. They serve as represenatives of God. We are confessing to God but the priest helps us by acting as a "human touch" for God's grace found in confession. About the Pope, he is the succesor of Christ and the apostles, that should answer where his authority comes from.

Anonymous said...

So are you saying the Pope is infallible or sinless like Christ?

Eben said...

That is a good question. Though I doubt from how you wrote that that your asking anything.
No the Pope is not sinless, but neither were the apostles from whom he descended. Yes when he speak "ex cathedra" he is speaking for the body of Christ on earth in matters of morality and doctrine. I am personally glad to know that someone will stand for true fundaments of the faith.
Thanks for your "question." I have to say that questions like yours further convince me of the fruits of the Catholic life. Thanks a ton. But please put your name on your posts.