Tuesday, February 8, 2011

We are cultivators 2/9/11

Genesis 2:4-9,15+17. Psalm 104. Mark 7:14-23. The last two podcasts gave us a direction and purpose. We, like creation, came out of chaos into Christ and were given a mission. As we fulfill this mission we are also called to work. Work as a profession and work on the human heart, ours and others. Adam was very blessed to have been given the land and been amazingly blessed by God. The blessing comes with the responsibility to work. Work for God and work for those for whom we are responsible. We are cultivators. The more we cultivate the better the soil becomes. Cultivate cultivator!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

This was great. I spoke on something similar for the gospel at today's Mass. So many people, Catholics included ignore the teachings of Jesus on all these things that pollute the heart. The cultivation is pretty thin.

I encourage people to read good books and see only good films that will edify the Christian in his or her walk. I hope the message falls in some ground that allows it to grow.
Fr Brad