Monday, November 2, 2009

It has been a long time

This past summer didn't allow much time to blog. When I get home I just want to crash and the last thing on my mind is blogging. Tonight I went through some of my old blogs and responses. I blogged most when I lived in Tulia and that was close to two years ago now. It doesn't seem that long ago but it was, wow. Much has changed in that time. I am not sure if situations or those people in my life, that form those situations, have changed as much as I have changed how I look at those things. I hope that my children will never have to experience some of the things I have in the last few years. I don't want them to have that taste in their mouth. I don't want them to know what's it like to be hated. However, I hope that everyone I know goes through times where they dig and ask questions, get rejected, act like a moron and have to pay for it and learn the fallible character of all of us. I don't envy the initial journey of these situations but in the end it really forces a person to look at a few things. I pray that when I have kids they will seek and not fear the consequences of that search. Even though wrong actions and mistakes have plagued many of my decisions those consequences helped form either a stronger resolve or questions that precipitated more questions. I hope that as I grow up in faith that I will learn to listen and wait. Presumption is the killer of wisdom. There are so many things I want to say but I fear saying them. I never thought I would see the day when I would shut up.
The longer I live as a Catholic a few things have started to take root. I am convinced that irrespective of the sect, denomination or church if a person is a follower of Jesus they are on the team I want to be a part of. The reformation splintered the church but now it's time to work on unification. It will take a lot of work. I also become more convinced that those we are closest to will see the true character we have not the character we wished we had.
Last night Jennifer and I took a girl who is here studying from Sweden out to the farm. She was quite in awe of the "big machines." It was neat. We asked a million questions about her culture and she our's. We tried to explain lobbyist. Her English was perfect but I am not sure she understood how we could allow it. Naturally the conversation turned to health care. I am really tired of hearing people who follow Jesus of Nazareth defend a system that is ran by greed to the detriment of the working poor. Then acting like the conviction is based on anything other than money. It's not about politics if it was then write your representative and ask them how much money they have received from the medical lobby. I can assure you that the amount they receive from the lobby has had more to do with the public's perception of the debate than our letters have. I just wish I would see a letter campaign asking for full disclosure on what they have received from these lobbies rather that false information from people with an agenda.
Anyway, as usual I just sat down and wrote what was on my mind. Most of time writing is in prep for a class I am teaching on John. I love it and still believe I was only made to do one thing.
I just rambled tonight. I write these mainly for myself.

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