Tuesday, March 11, 2008


Someone asked me about some literature that would help explain my crazy decision. So...ok.
First I would say read the Bible. Read whole books, whole chapters and see the beauty of God's plan for man since the fall in the garden.
Second, read Unabridged Christianity by Fr. Mario Romero, it is a good read that explains many matter of the Catholic faith that have been misrepresented and misunderstood.
Third, a good read would be Biblical Defense of Catholicism, Dave Armstrong.
Fourth, and my fav. Born fundamentalist, Born again Catholic by David Currie. Many of the authors who are now great writers for the faith were once ministers in various protestant churches. All of our stories are very similar. From the stirring to the reaction. But I like his because he wrote it soon after his conversion and he explains things in a light that was easy for me to understand.
Fifth, I would say read the Catechism. It is a large read so just try reading parts of it at a time. Be warned about reading it though. When I read it I thought I would prove the Catholic church wrong. There is more scripture and theology in one paragraph than anything I have ever read.
May the love of our Lord and Savior be with you all as you walk in His light.


Eben said...

I accidently deleted the comment I am about to respond to. My new friend know what we are talking about. Correct me if I am wrong but you said Israel was the woman in Rev. 12? The verb does not prove that. Jesus only had one mother. Her name was Mary.

Anonymous said...

A good friend of my family and former preacher in the Church of Christ, Bruce Sullivan, published a book about a year ago about his conversion. The book is called Christ in His Fullness. Although the book did not play a part in my family's conversion, it has helped us explain our radical change to friends and family.

Best wishes.

Sara said...

Welcome Home! I came here from Stephanie's board. I'm currently dealing with the fallout from my CoC friends and family finding out about my conversion so I empathize with your situation.

If you don't mind, I'll link to you on my (infrequently updated) blog.

Eben said...

Welcome home I appreciate you stopping by to say hello.

Davin Winger said...

Hi Eben,

I am a Texas Panhandle product and graduate of TTU. My wife was Catholic but became CoC after our marriage. After the birth of our first son, I began to ask myself, "Why do I believe what I believe?"

In 2001, I was received into the Catholic Church.

Hold on tight because the ride doesn't stop. It just speeds up a little.

