Monday, January 19, 2009

Best Tortilla Soup in the World

I love Mexican food. For example a guy that works for me told me that he was having stomach problems because every day at lunch we had to eat Mexican food. It may not have been the food but how fast we ate. I tell them when I am done eating we are leaving, not literally but we do eat fast in the summer. I have a few favs. I love Abuelos for a higher end meal. You know Sunday after church or date night. I also like any hole in the wall place where the accents are thick and the salsa is hot. Jennifer is a good cook. She usually cooks healthy food. I didn't like it at first because I wanted something to fill me up. Tonight she made tortilla soup. It was the best in the world. If there is a cook-off somewhere I am going to encourage her to enter it. Really if there is a rockin smart, cool, awesome, spiritual, smart, good looking wife contest I would encourage her to enter that too. She is the best. When I consider that God has let me live my life with her I am filled with such a quiet satisfaction that I thank God.
Things here are going well. Work is slow this time of year, which is cool. Jennifer is still plugging away at school and we are making new friends. That is easier for Jennifer than me.
Hope you are well and that God is real to you.


Mary Ann said...

aaahhhh, you're such a great husband. Jennifer is lucky to have you in her life. And you are very lucky as well.

Anonymous said...

Hi Eben and Jennifer,

You don't know me nor I you, but I am familiar with your story. I am from Tulia raised in the c o c. I am back living here now with my husband. Since graduating from HS, I fell away from the c o c. In fact, over the last 13 years, I have been more of an agnostic than anything else. I had a good upbringing in the Donley church and received more background information about the Bible from them that I could ever hope to know. I have love for so many of the people there...but not all of them. As in any religion or sect of Christianity, there is true hypocrisy that runs deep there. That is not to say that they do not love the Word of God or that they do not respect it. However, I have felt very judged at times in my life by these "good" people. Please understand...I am not bashing the Donley church in Tulia. What they gave me as a child is irreplaceable. I just mean that we all do the best we can with what we know at the time, and you can not blame people for what they do or don't know.

The purpose of my post is to tell you that I have been very encouraged by your blog. I am longtime friends with Lael and Brad James and have recently rekindled my friendship. Lael encouraged me to read your blog, as I am also becoming Catholic. I will start RCIA after the Easter season and am very excited. In my 13 year quest for the truth, I have very often come up empty handed. In my (relative) ignorance of scripture, I have searched, pursued, been lost and given up. The one thing that I never gave up on though, was that we should follow the signs that God sets before us. In the course of the last year, I feel that I have had so many signs handed to me I might as well be a In all seriousness, I can not in good faith turn my back on these signs. I have been lucky and for the most part my family has been very supportive. Because I have no church ties at this point in my life, I have not had resistance there either.
The point of me telling you all of this is: I am very happy for you that you have found a place to be happy. I am also sorry that it had to be bittersweet. I am proud that you had the courage to move forward in your beliefs although it was the road less taken...those are never easy.
Pray for me in my journey.
Tay Jack

Eben said...

I thank you for posting on the blog. I was glad to hear of your journey. I will say that the people I met were some of the best in the world. I have a very deep respect for them. I didn't run into many hypocrites though. Good faithful people made our time there wonderful, I lament the way I handled the decision but oh well. I am not saying they were perfect, but who is. I am so thankful for your coming into RCIA. It is one of the best steps you will ever take. I have to say that the longer I am a memeber of the Catholic church the more I appreciate the fact that at the end of the day the church guides me. It is not whatever god I believe to be God. If there is anything I can do for you please don't hesitate. You can post your email, I wont post it, and we can communicate through that if you would like. I hesitated posting your comments but I wanted you to know we are in your corner.
Eben and Jennifer

Anonymous said...

Came across your blog.... curious as to your reasons for becoming catholic. (I'm just inquisitive, not trying to be rude) - Just wondering why you left the Church of Christ really. I'm sorry if you had a negative experience, not all COC's are bad, they're kind of like a hospital for the sick and you'll find grumpy people there too.

Eben said...

It wasn't a choice to leave the Church of Christ. It was a decision to join the Catholic Church. As to the reasons. This will be very brief. First, historically it is the church founded by Jesus and spread by the apostles. This is historical fact. The Biblical support for the Catholic church is paramount in this and other regards. Second, authority. Protestant Christianity's primary source of authority is the individual. Evidenced by the hundreds of churches that came out of the reformation as well as the overwhelling number who have claimed extra-Biblical teachings as coming from God. I could go on. Please post your name. I hope you wont be offended but many posts have asked a question and then when answered took the word of a few people and it becomes an argument. If you are looking for a debate please go somewhere else. Though I don't know you most of the conversion was misconstrued by a few people, what shocked me was that people I thought I knew listened to them. I am done with that nonsense. I didn't mean to vent but if I had posted all of the ilinformed comments you would understand. Why are you curious anyway?